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Aeries Help

What is AERIES?

AERIES is our Student Information System which allows staff, students, and families to track and follow student progress.

For Students and Families:

All Las Virgenes Unified School District (LVUSD) students are added to the AERIES Student Information System and have both PARENT and STUDENT access portals.
Students should set up their own STUDENT AERIES account.
Families with multiple parents/guardians can set up separate PARENT portal accounts to independently track their student's progress.


Please make sure your Aeries Emergency Contacts are up to date. These are the people who are allowed to pick up your child during the school day.
Click Student Info, then Contacts
Click Add, then enter contact info
Click Save


Registration is required for all parents of LVUSD students EACH SCHOOL YEAR. Complete all fields carefully to make sure your contact information is up to date. This is how we reach you with important news and information that concerns your students throughout the school year.

Also, the district as well as your children's schools have included information and paperwork for their individual campuses and communities. You will find schedules of events, lists of resources, campus maps, forms to print and bring to in-person registration, and more.

Re-visit AERIES

Log in to using the email address where you receive notices from the school and district.

Notice the tan band at the top of the screen. This is where you will begin registration.

Confirmation Prompt button image

Click through the tabs to view information and documents and move forward by clicking "Confirm and Continue" when you are finished with each screen.

Registration tabs


Once you click Confirm and Continue on the last screen, you will be prompted to print a confirmation, or "emergency card." Some schools require this for in-person registration. Check your school's documentation to verify.

print new emergency card

If you have more than one student in LVUSD, simply click the triangle next to the student's name in the current view and a list of all of your students will appear. Select the next student to complete his or her registration the same way.

Forgot your password?

No problem! You can reset it using the "Forgot Password" link right on the AERIES homepage:

Aeries forgot password

For more information about AERIES, visit our guide.

To Access Documents

To return to the DOCUMENTS tab and access District and school registration paperwork, log in to as you did before. In the "Student" menu in the top left of the screen, select "Data Confirmation."

Student Info - data confirmation


This will take you to the final screen from online registration, where you can stil access the information in the tabs to the left. Select "Documents" from that list.

Documents tab