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STTOP is an innovative intervention program developed by the Lost Hills/Malibu Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, to educate young drivers and their parents.

It is reckless behavior and other bad driving practices that STTOP hopes to correct. The program is designed to intervene when a young driver displays poor judgment or dangerous driving behavior. Aside from following up on collision reports and citations issued, STTOP encourages citizens to call in and report dangerous teen drivers. Too many times, patrol officers are not present to see the dangerous driving. The inability to catch the offender in the act ties the hands of law enforcement, which cannot act on a Vehicle Code infraction they do not witness. Often the youthful driver screeches his tires, races another car or does other dangerous maneuvers, and then vanishes before the patrol units can arrive.

To report dangerous driving on the traffic loop or at any of the pick-up/drop-off locations:

  • Take down the license number, model and make of car
  • Report the driver to the STTOP Program